Tourism in Poland: important information
There are 16 provinces, 379 districts, 2478 communes in Poland. Polish provinces and their capitals are: Podkarpackie ‒ Rzeszów Małopolskie ‒ Kraków Śląskie ‒ Katowice Opolskie ‒ Opole…Read more › -
Following Warsaw snack bars
Snack bars has been really popular in Warsaw (and other big cities) for a couple of years now. The idea is simple: atmosphere like from Polish People’s Republic times, snacks typical of this period…Read more › -
Magda Gessler cuisine
Magda Gessler is a famous Polish restaurateur and a joint-owner of several popular restaurants. “Kuchenne rewolucje”, a TV programme, significantly contributed to Ms. Gessler popularity growth and…Read more › -
Alcohol “in Polish”
If you are a wine gourmet (or other spirits), you will have to deal with the fact that Polish parties are dominated by vodka. Beer fans should considered themselves lucky because this alcohol is treated…Read more › -
What is worth seeing in Warsaw?
Warsaw is a city which combines past with future in a consistent way. The landscape of the city is dominated by the monumental Palace of Culture and Science. Still, it is surrounded by modern skyscrapers…Read more ›