
Zapiecek are commonly known Polish restaurants serving pierogi. Their decor relates to the atmosphere of idyllic countryside. This place looks like a cosy, rural room with a characteristic stove next to which sit hosts and welcome guests with a warm look.
Pierogi in Zapiecek cost 20-30 zlotys. The menu includes many more options. Pierogi made of spelt flour are something brand new. Traditional flavours (pierogi with meat, with potatoes and cottage cheese, with cabbage and mushroom) as well as some unusual ones (stuffed with lentil, salmon and Camembert cheese, turkey and carrots) are also served. As far as sweet pierogi are concerned, typical combinations are accompanied by less popular ones: stuffed with cottage cheese, strawberries, blueberries, poppy seeds and raisins or with apple and cinnamon.
Dry pierogi are another interesting option. They are fried on a hot frying pan. The restaurant also recommends them in a boiled version, served on a cast-iron plate. Particularly interesting are pierogi with fresh spinach and yellow cheese which are served with hot blue cheese sauce as well as pierogi with blueberries and cream (sour or sweet at choice).
What is more, in Zapiecek you can also have traditional soups such as żurek, broth, pea or beetroot soup. Various versions of pancakes and traditional Polish dishes, for example gołąbki, bigos, potato dumplings, ribs or liver, are very popular.
Zapiecek is a real find for fans of pierogi and traditional Polish cuisine.

ul. Świętojańska 13
ul. Freta 1
ul. Freta 18
ul. Nowy Świat 64
Al. Jerozolimskie 28
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polecam, na pierogi i placki po węgiersku oraz bigos zaglądam regularnie bo zawsze dają dobrze zjeść za niewielkie pieniądze, na jedzenie nie trzeba długo czekać, obsługa miła
Smacznie i nie drogo, extra wybór na wypad ze znajomymi i z rodzinką, duże menu jest w czym wybierac każdy coś dla siebie wybierze fajnego i do tego miła obsługa. Pierożki extra choć to zaledwie początek, jest sporo równie dobrych rzeczy które mają w ofercie :)