Pracownia Jogi Macieja Wieloboba

Doing yoga, although it improves physical condition after some time, differs from doing sports – it is goal is not to become stronger but to relieve tension, control breathing, and relax. Maciej Wielobób’s Pracownia Jogi follows this idea by running classes on all proficiency levels.
When it comes to teaching yoga, Pracownia refers to vinyasa krama and combines it with elements of pranayama as well as with meditation practices. It means that asanas are performed dynamically, on the move both in classes for beginners and advanced yoga enthusiasts. Particular attention is focused on breathing techniques and synchronising breathing with movement. Relaxation when lying flat is an important part of all classes. Every exercise is aimed at improving the functioning of the body, achieving psychophysical harmony and relaxation.
Classes in Pracownia take place in two spots in Kraków – in the city centre and in Nowa Huta – they are run by skilful and experienced yoga teachers. Anyone can participate, regardless of age and fitness, even pregnant women. Your first class is free – worth giving a shot!

os. Centrum A 6a
+48 535 914 280