
Avis Flex is a company which relies on quality and safety. Long-term car renting takes place there much faster. There is no need for unnecessary paperwork and it is commonly known that fast service saves time.
When renting a car in the Avis company, each customer receives a personal carer who deals with a certain rental agreement. Clear terms and conditions of an agreement which are hard to obtain anywhere else along with a possibility to choose a particular car make are other advantages of this company. Avis also takes care of its customers when they travel across the country thanks to twenty four-hour Assistance, a free maintenance and the possibility to use a free replacement car in case of a breakdown. Signing an agreement does not mean you are unable to change your car later. You can do it during its duration so for example when a car does not come up with your expectations, you can replace it – for a more convenient or spacious one.
The uniqueness of the Avis company is based on trust in customers who are not obliged to pay the so-called up-front costs and to go through complicated banking procedures. The company charges a constant daily fee and its customer feels much safer, as far as the finances are concerned. Full offer and rules of the car rental can be found on the internet or explained on the phone.
If you are looking for a car for a longer period of time, you should consider the Avis company.

al. Żwirki i Wigury 1
ul.Łopuszańska 12a
+ 22 572 65 66