Muu Muu

Muu Muu is a restaurant which meet expectations of those who are looking for a place with high-quality, genuine meat dishes.
The cheerful name of the restaurant certainly draws attention. The interior is also interesting: gentle colours tone in with ubiquitous bright, wooden additions. The unusual bar and a huge number of plates with phrases such as “eat meat” or “a meal without wine is like breakfast” strike up a conversation with the newly arrived guests right from the door.
Muu Muu is not obviously a place for vegetarians. Various kinds of meat are the main ingredient of every dish. Variety of served steaks is almost impossible to remember after the first look at the menu. The chef of Muu Muu can honestly be called every inch the master. Courses are served on small wooden boards on which they taste completely different than on regular tableware. Crispy on the outside, while on the inside the meat tastes wonderfully, a true feast for every palate and biggest meat gourmets. You can order a glass (or two, three or even four) of some fine alcohol which goes perfectly with your course and emphasises its taste.
The desserts are as delicious as the meat dishes. Tasty, refreshing sorbets, chocolate cream cakes, cookies melting in the mouth, they will be remembered by gourmets buds for a long, long time.

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Burgery pycha, moim zdaniem najlepsze w okolicy, innych rzeczy nie probowalem, ale myślę, że jeszcze się tu pojawie. Wystrój całkiem ciekawy, jeśli jest się akurat w okolicy można wstąpić
Suuuuper miejsce, raj dla mięsożercy, ceny takie sobie, ale posiłki warte jej, do tego wzorowa obsługa, brawo!