Pełną Piersią

Walking down one of the streets in Kraków, you can come across an inconspicuous yet unique bar. Slightly hidden, it stores powerful treasure inside. This Oxygen Bar is a place founded by people who definitely care about the quality of life
Pełną Piersią is the name of this Oxygen Bar. The idea for such place was not a coincidence. The owners are aware of the fact that Kraków, apart from being one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, is one of the most polluted places. That is why, they decided to create this health heaven.
The Oxygen Bar is a place for calm relaxation where a hurried guest can sit on soft and colourful poufs. You can sit back, forget about everyday problems and enjoy perfectly pure air.
The customers can sit comfortably in massage armchairs, read their favourite books, watch an interesting film or simply sit, relax and rest surrounded by luxuriant plants and calming forest landscapes hanging on the walls.
What is more, everyone can enjoy some oxidative drinks, coffee, tea or water. All drinks are free – only access to the bar is charged with a fee. If you want, you may also bring your favourite food.
Pełną Piersią is a bar promoting healthy lifestyle, a place for relaxation and soothing the nerves. It is a peaceful asylum where you will always gladly return and forget about worrying thoughts.

12:00 - 22:00