Ambra Day Spa

Not many people can afford to go for two weeks to a Spa, where they can forget about everyday problems and take care of their body and spirit.
Amber Day Spa was established for those who dream of a moment of relaxation, want to take care of themselves, and forget about everyday routine.
Ambra is a Spa studio offering single care and beauty treatments, one-day treatments, as well as several hours long treatment packages. They all allow the customer to feel like on holiday. There is no need for sacrifices related to taking a long trip to a Spa – a couple of hours in Ambra will enable you to be fresh as a daisy.
Using the services of a one day Spa is a nice way to spend an afternoon with someone close. The offer of Ambra Day Spa includes packages for two, for a man, for mother and daughter. Special treatments for pregnant women and young mothers are also noteworthy.